Monday, August 19, 2024


 I really should give an update on my health since changing the way I eat to low carb, moderate protein and high fat. In a nutshell:

I effortlessly lost about 20 pounds and now am the same weight I was in high school.

My heart palpitations completely disappeared.

My asthma completely disappeared and I no longer need asthma spray.

My high blood pressure completely disappeared and I no longer need medication.

I just had my annual diabetic eye exam and my eye health is excellent. The minor problems have not progressed. 

My glucose is not yet totally controlled so I continue to take medications, but I'm no longer experiencing the highs and crashes that I was before changing how I eat. 

I work on my leg strength to protect my knees. My left knee is still wonky when descending stairs, but it's much better. I can keep up a good pace when walking, and hubby and I walk fairly fast. I am several years his senior so I am quite pleased.

The details about what to eat and not eat would take awhile to explain, so for now I will simply say, there are no essential carbohydrates, but I do consume them in small amounts. Adequate protein is necessary every day, and healthy fats are a source of fuel and the key to not being hungry.

That being said, hydration and electrolytes are super important. Once your body learns to burn fat for fuel, the water weight and pounds will melt away. But your electrolytes will also flush away, so it is very important to replace them, daily. My heart palpitations disappeared once I started taking Magnesium and increasing salt intake. I add salt and Lite Salt (has potassium) to my water daily. This prevents leg cramps and dehydration.

It's getting late. I will write more later. Wishing you all better health!

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