Monday, July 22, 2024


June and July have been brutal bill-wise. Hubby was paid for the 4th of July but there was no work the night before and no pay to cover it, so his check was short. With so many debts, every penny counts. It didn't help that I was in the ER for about 5 hours on May 30th for dangerously low blood pressure and dehydration. I am thankful I have Medicare Advantage.

Inflation is out of control. The strong economy and robust job market does nothing for us, as prices keep going up and up. The multitude of jobs out there DO NOT PAY ENOUGH. The few higher paying jobs that have been generated are not in our area or require a degree or years of experience.

It's also depressing to note that some companies are laying people off, some in the thousands. John Deere is closing three plants and moving operations to Mexico.

I just want to see an end to the forever upward spiraling cost of living.

In other news, there is a huge amount of stress in this nation regarding our future as a nation. I can't believe there are some people who think falling under Putin's rule is a good idea.

By the way, my knee is good now. I'm back to walking, weather permitting.

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