Thursday, January 30, 2025
Finally We Are Moved!
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Outagamie County
What a cute county name. It's also neat that we will be living on Technical Drive. Yes, we got an apartment, in Greenville! It has the middle-of-nowhere, in the county feel that I like and is only minutes from the amazing Appleton airport, hubby's work, and the city of Appleton.
Sunday, January 12, 2025
A Cup of Coffee Before the Work Begins
It's nice to sit here and reflect a bit before I need to get busy again with packing, sorting, donating and more packing.
As much as I'm going to miss my view, I do have dozens of pictures, some quite beautiful, to remember it by. Truthfully, I have been quite lonely here. People move in and out like changing underwear. This apartment has a dust problem, from day one, because the walls are spray painted with tinted plaster, a problem which will probably be fixed once it's properly painted, for the next tenants. We have been here since 2018.
My thoughts on Appleton. It's more city that I'm accustomed to but we would be living on the edges. There is ample green space, lots of trees, fall colors, and nice people everywhere. There are companies and jobs in abundance, and unlike Green Bay, it's clean! Green Bay smells like Norhtwest Indiana. It's gritty with industries that stink. And, honestly, unless you are a Packer's fan, you will be overwhelmed with Packer stuff EVERYWHERE. If hubby's job would have been in Green Bay, we would make sure to live outside of town.
Finding an apartment has been more difficult than I hoped, but Monday I am calling a property management company that was recommended to me by someone on the Appleton facebook page. They manage quite a few apartment complexes in the area, and we are hoping for a first floor, two bedroom apartment, Appleton or Neenah. The problem is, not many places are available this month, and since the company is paying hubby to move, we don't want to wait until February or March.
People are NICE. I was surprised at how nice and welcoming they are. We did look at an apartment in Greenville, just north of the amazing Appleton airport. The location was great, but the apartment needs so much work. They said they could have it ready in a week, but it involves paint, and I cannot handle paint fumes AT ALL. I asked about low VOC paint but they use the same paint and painter for all the apartments. She admitted it would smell like paint for at least a week. I can't, I just can't. On top of that, the apartment needed repair, which they said they would do, but it was just too much. The manager and her friend (manager from another complex) tried to help by calling their business friend to see if he had an apartment move in ready now. He did, but the rent was $1,300, too steep for us.
As I mentioned before, hubby had a successful interview, They told him they would let him know in a week. We were afraid to be hopeful (thinking back to the company in Jefferson), so we both took a deep breath and put it in God's hands. We stopped for coffee downtown and went home. The drive is slightly more than an hour, and we were 5 minutes from home when hubby's phone rang. He pulled over in a parking lot so he could talk. They were calling with an offer!
I can't tell you how happy hubby is to get back to working with metal. Two plus years with the company here in town introduced him to a new career. He and his coworkers became a team, friends as well. It was a sad day when all this was broken by the sale of the company. An exhaustive search turned up nothing suitable around here. That's how Appleton came into focus.
Did I mention people are nice? We already feel quite welcome there. There are so many things to do and places to see, nature to explore, etc, etc.
I just finished my 3rd cup of coffee. Time to get to work.
Friday, January 10, 2025
Fire Trucks
Hubby got the job! He will be working for Pierce who builds fire trucks in their Appleton facility. So excited, and exhausted from searching for an apartment.
Thursday, January 9, 2025
So Far, Looking Promising
Hubby had a good phone interview and is scheduled to have an in-person interview tomorrow, including a plant tour. I will go with him and wait in the truck.
I am tired. The apartment search long distance is exhausting. I have most of my little things packed, going through some bins and creating donation piles.
Short post today. Don't want to count the chickens before the eggs hatch (remember what happened with Nestle).
Saturday, January 4, 2025
A New Direction
We have been searching far and far south as Kenosha (closer to Indiana), up the coast to Sheboygan (love Kohler-Andrae State Park), northwest to Baraboo (breathtakingly beautiful), but one area keeps holding the promise of good paying jobs....Appleton. We have been to Appleton 3 times, counting today. We wanted to drive by two of the companies hubby has applied to for work. He has a phone interview Thursday with one company.
Appleton is on the north end of Lake Winnebago and the Fox River runs through town. Appleton has every available shopping one might need, and parks everywhere, and excellent healthcare. Between Appleton and the lake is a cute community that we have gravitated to each time we have visited, Neenah, Wisconsin. We wanted to move there before, but a steady job here in Hartford prevented that. Now......??
I will certainly update here if something is promising. I am actually looking forward to packing. So many adventures up there, and Door County is about an hour northeast. SO much more nature to explore that we haven't explored yet. More north...more cold? Cold is cold. Throw on warmer clothes. It's more north, more of a chance to see the northern lights. And there are a few apartments for rent, reasonable.
Here are some pictures of Doty park. It's beautiful in the snow or frost (none of which we had today, only bitter cold)
Friday, January 3, 2025
Long Loom Struggles
I can't tell you how many times I started over again trying to figure out how to turn around and go the other direction! I joined a Facebook group for help. Turns out I'm not the only one struggling with this. Before I continue, let me explain. Many people suggested videos on YouTube but each one I watched showed a completely different way to wrap, or cast on, I think it's called. I mean, really different, and fast.....everyone goes too fast. Finally some one posted a link to a video with step by step instructions. I'm going to link it below so I can actually find it again. First, here is a picture of where I got stuck.
Thursday, January 2, 2025
Wish It Was a Happier New Year
Don't get me wrong, I was so happy to visit my daughter in Indiana and she and her family were happy to see us. We exchanged gifts. We were gifted some laser-cut ornaments my son-in-law designed and cut at work on the plasma laser. We also stopped by the cemetery to lay flowers on my former hubby's grave and my younger daughter's grave. We drove down on Saturday morning and returned Monday morning, December 30th. Hubby worked Monday night and now is off for a few days until January 6th. We took a walk yesterday and plan to walk again today and every day that we can, bundled up.
I wish I could say I was confident in our future. I feel unsettled with the thought of leaving this apartment. rent is too darn high everywhere. I have plants. They need windows. I have been blessed with three windows here in this apartment. Three windows are rare as hen's teeth in apartments. I have been paring down my collection and going through boxes of stuff, sort of "pre-packing". I'm not sure how confident I am in hubby finding a good job. He is concerned as well. There are some well paying jobs over an hour away. Typically companies don't hire people that far away. We would need to move.
Thankfully today is sunny. We are going for a walk later. I'm leaving today's blog at that, will write more later.