Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Better Today

 Last night I chugged two water bottles with salt added. I was able to stop the heart palpitations that also came with covid the last time I had it in December 2022. I was really sick that time, for two weeks. I stayed in bed with a headache, chest congestion and random heart palpitations. My doc said it was good I was vaccinated or it could have been a lot worse.

It seems that covid makes me pee A LOT. It's a struggle to not become dehydrated. Along with all that "flushing" go my electrolytes. Low electrolytes and dehydration cause low blood pressure, and one can get dizzy or even pass out. It's interesting that when I went in the ER earlier this year the diagnosis was dehydration and a bladder infection. They gave me antibiotics and two big IV bags of saline (salt) solution. It took 5 hours! It's also interesting that looking back to the past, I've always been told to eat low salt, but my labs always reported that my blood was low in sodium. Drinking gobs of water without adding electrolytes is not good!

Before bed last night I decided to take a shot of asthma spray, meaning a puff from my inhaler. I have not needed to take it in over a year, since changing what I eat, but the covid was making me a little "tight". Well, asthma spray is like caffeine on steroids. I COULD NOT SLEEP. I was still awake at 3:30 am. I kept getting up and walking around. What else to do? Hubby was sleeping and I didn't want to disturb him. 

Then suddenly the lights on the patio popped on! At 3:30 in the morning! Ugh. I had unplugged the Netgear WiFi extender and now my phone could not connect to the 2G network to control the plug. So there I was at 3:30 am with a flashlight, plugging in the Netgear, waiting for it to connect, opening my phone's connection settings so I could connect it to the 2G band on the extender, just so I could push a button in the app on my phone to turn off the lights controlled by the connected plug. LOL

By then I was tired enough to go to sleep.

Earlier in the evening I saw the cutest poster on someone's wall on YouTube. I found the picture! It's now on my Facebook and my lock screen. Love it!

Hope you are well and have a good evening.

1 comment:

A :-) said...

I know what you mean about using hour rescue inhaler. It makes me pretty zippy, too. Glad you are starting to feel better!