Friday, September 6, 2024


 Fall is already bobbing its head up and down like an apple lost in a bucket of water. One week we have fall, complete with blankets at night and flannels in the morning, the next week we might be back to summer, for awhile. I am loving the weather! 

The Sandhill Cranes have been flying into the fields quite often, possibly gathering to migrate. I was lucky to be outside with phone in hand so I could grab a picture of a fly-by.

We have had a couple red sunrises. Here is one

Some of my succulents have become large, like this Fred Ives. Wonder where I will put him when I bring him inside....?

And last picture for today, here are some of my cold-hardy outdoor succulents.

In other news, I just found out my son-in-law is in the hospital with an infected kidney stone. 

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