Monday, September 9, 2024

Monday Update

 My son-in-law is home from the hospital. The weather is nice, hazy but not humid. We need rain. The job outlook still sucks.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

That's Not Right

 That's not right when a company from another state who doesn't know the employees comes in and buys the company your hubby works for and then eliminates his shift so he looses his shift premium. Everyone is upset and looking to leave and they are sad because they are all friends and now have to go find other jobs.

Friday, September 6, 2024


 Fall is already bobbing its head up and down like an apple lost in a bucket of water. One week we have fall, complete with blankets at night and flannels in the morning, the next week we might be back to summer, for awhile. I am loving the weather! 

The Sandhill Cranes have been flying into the fields quite often, possibly gathering to migrate. I was lucky to be outside with phone in hand so I could grab a picture of a fly-by.

We have had a couple red sunrises. Here is one

Some of my succulents have become large, like this Fred Ives. Wonder where I will put him when I bring him inside....?

And last picture for today, here are some of my cold-hardy outdoor succulents.

In other news, I just found out my son-in-law is in the hospital with an infected kidney stone.