Monday, December 23, 2024

Things are Going to Be OK

 Things seem to be going in the right direction. The pressure is off at work, things have been fixed, prayers heard.

I have been working on my art. Here are some updates.

Resist removal, starting from the left

Finished, yay!

The foggy trees I was trying to do. I don't like it

A new technique I just learned today. I want to paint more in this style.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Some Progress

 Today started out with a brilliant sunrise. If "red skies in morning, sailor take warning" means anything, I guess it could foretell some snow tomorrow.

I finally got around to sorting through a box of papers and old mail, got the computer desk organized, fixed dinner for hubby (he's working tonight) and then myself. I made a hamburger scramble with some bell pepper and onion.

Then I made a batch of keto cookies and worked on my art. I think I made the tree trunks too dark. You can see I added the row of weeds that runs along the edge of the field. I added some masking fluid, sort of like rubber cement. Tomorrow, when the rubber is dry, I can paint over it. Then when the paint is dry I can rub off the cement and that part of the page will be white. 

The paper is white, trust me. The dots over the trees are the masking fluid.

Hubby and I both are not in the holiday mood this year. He is remembering his dad and I am remembering my younger daughter and my mom. Hubby has some days off because of the holidays, so we are planning to drive down to visit the cemetery. Then it is only a short hop to stop in to see my older daughter and her hubby. Hopefully I will have some art completed to bring with me.

Time to go to bed. I am falling asleep.


Saturday, December 21, 2024

Cold But Sunny

 I'm loving these sunny days, even if they are super cold. I worked a while on a new idea for a tree-line I want to paint. I drew the trees with fine point marker. My plan is to do a watercolor wash over them, but end up with the trees looking frosty. Wish me luck. I don't tend to choose easy subjects. Here is the photo, my attempt last year, and my WIP this year. The lighting in the kitchen makes the paper look yellow but it's actually white.

View from the south window
First attempt

Work in progress

Sorry for the short post again, but soon it will be tomorrow!

Friday, December 20, 2024

Snow and I Suck at Watercolor

 We had almost 10 inches of snow and thankfully today the sun came out. Hubby shoveled and we did a little shopping. I had no energy. Chalk it up to covid. I did make some more attempts at watercolor painting and decided I pretty much suck at it right now. I watch tutorials online but when I try it falls flat. I'm not even sharing photos.

That's about it for today. Maybe tomorrow will be better in the art department.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

It's Not Like Riding A Bicycle

 I've been trying to paint some scenes from photos I've taken and I have discovered that I have forgotten any watercolor techniques I ever managed to learn. Good grief! I may need to shift gears and go with pen and ink and just do a wash to add some color.

In other news, it's been snowing all day, and I mean so much I couldn't see across the field. Tomorrow hubby will shovel the truck out so we can go shopping. I guess we have about 3 or 4 inches of snow.

I finished 4 loads of laundry.

Hubby and I watched some YouTube videos. One guy is panning for gold along Lake Superior in some layers of black sand and finding a little bit of gold. And you know how YouTube sends you more stuff, another guy bought a bunch of sand to mix as mortar, so he decided to run it through his sluice. After spending 6 days of shoveling, sluicing and panning, he ended up with $104 worth of gold. He said it was too much work but a fun experiment and it covered the $39 he spent on the sand.

No we are not going sluicing. But I took and magnifier and looked at the sand I buy for my plants and it was only quartz.

That's about it for today. I'm feeling much better. Apatite is back, energy ok, nose not stuffy, lungs clear, no headache.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Better Today

 Last night I chugged two water bottles with salt added. I was able to stop the heart palpitations that also came with covid the last time I had it in December 2022. I was really sick that time, for two weeks. I stayed in bed with a headache, chest congestion and random heart palpitations. My doc said it was good I was vaccinated or it could have been a lot worse.

It seems that covid makes me pee A LOT. It's a struggle to not become dehydrated. Along with all that "flushing" go my electrolytes. Low electrolytes and dehydration cause low blood pressure, and one can get dizzy or even pass out. It's interesting that when I went in the ER earlier this year the diagnosis was dehydration and a bladder infection. They gave me antibiotics and two big IV bags of saline (salt) solution. It took 5 hours! It's also interesting that looking back to the past, I've always been told to eat low salt, but my labs always reported that my blood was low in sodium. Drinking gobs of water without adding electrolytes is not good!

Before bed last night I decided to take a shot of asthma spray, meaning a puff from my inhaler. I have not needed to take it in over a year, since changing what I eat, but the covid was making me a little "tight". Well, asthma spray is like caffeine on steroids. I COULD NOT SLEEP. I was still awake at 3:30 am. I kept getting up and walking around. What else to do? Hubby was sleeping and I didn't want to disturb him. 

Then suddenly the lights on the patio popped on! At 3:30 in the morning! Ugh. I had unplugged the Netgear WiFi extender and now my phone could not connect to the 2G network to control the plug. So there I was at 3:30 am with a flashlight, plugging in the Netgear, waiting for it to connect, opening my phone's connection settings so I could connect it to the 2G band on the extender, just so I could push a button in the app on my phone to turn off the lights controlled by the connected plug. LOL

By then I was tired enough to go to sleep.

Earlier in the evening I saw the cutest poster on someone's wall on YouTube. I found the picture! It's now on my Facebook and my lock screen. Love it!

Hope you are well and have a good evening.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024


 ...covid. I had a test on the medicine shelf. Result: Positive. That explains the weird symptoms. 

We had a few glimpses of very welcome sunshine. I was able to eat a little. Feeling better. Maybe do a little art now. 


 Hubby got sick and then I got sick. That rotten kind, the weak, dizzy, and can't sleep well because when I lay down my nose stuffs up and then my mouth is dry.....yada yada yada. I don't take much cold medicine because sometimes it affects me in bad ways. I just tried some DayQuil pills that hubby was taking. If I do ok I will try the NyQuil pills later.

In June it will be 8 years since I lost Chrissy. I don't know why that is affecting me so much right now, maybe because my normal distractions, like walking in the woods, have been postponed by bitterly cold weather and now sickness. My older daughter keeps asking for artwork and for some reason all my attempts to create something have failed. The days and days of fog have finally lifted. Maybe that will help.

At least I am feeling more alive today.

Saturday, December 14, 2024


 We went to Cermak Food Market in Milwaukee to buy some food items hubby loves and can't buy locally. Then we went to Parthenon Foods to buy some Albanian sausage, which is actually made by a man from Kosovo who lives on the west side of Madison. A couple more stops and we got home just as it started to rain. That's a good thing since they are saying "stay home" until Sunday night because they are expecting icing. Fine with me. I have a pile of laundry to do tomorrow.

I tried to bake Pecan Sandies with mostly almond flour instead of the bamboo blend I usually use. The bamboo blend is very low carb and very high fiber. I was hoping to balance that out a bit, but I ended up baking crumbs! Guess I either eat them with a spoon or crumble them up into a pan and do something with them.

I had to move my bowl of Haworthia reticulata subregularis because they got too cold in the window. The still looked unhappy so I removed them completely and put them in a small pot. The bowl will remain empty for now.

Bowl with succulents, now empty

Haworthia I moved. Their roots look good so I am confident they will grow.

I got the acceptance letter for my new Medicare plan in the mail today. I think it will work out well regarding my medications (big savings). Estimate for my meds next year with this plan is a little over $500, for the whole year. If I had stayed with my old plan my medications would have cost me over $1700 for the whole year. 

That's all for tonight.

Friday, December 13, 2024


 We were watching something on YouTube about things not going the way you want them to, and feeling like your prayers are not answered, and sometimes it was for your own protection. 

I turned to hubby and said, "I felt the job in Jefferson was dangerous, driving back and forth 40+ miles each way at night, deer on the road, maybe drunks on the road, and a 12 hour shift cutting meat without your glasses. God was protecting you by saying no."

Hubby answered, "My brother just told me the exact same thing."

We felt good about the spiritual things we watched. Then we moved on to a video about cats and I started to cry. I watch cat videos all the time. I don't know why I started to cry. I told hubby it reminded me of Chrissy. I've been bummed the whole rest of the day, even though it was sunny, even though we drove to West Bend and I finally found a pair of joggers that are L . O . N . G enough to reach my ankles and in Medium size so they aren't so big it looks like two of me could fit in them. I can't tell you what a struggle it is to not be a common size, short and wide seemingly being the norm.

We stopped at Sendik's to buy some chicken and then went home. Hubby made himself chicken noodle soup because he has a cold (he went to bed early) and I took the breast meat and fixed it with lemon, green olives, onion and some pepperoncini peppers for zing. 

It's been bitterly cold, below zero at night. Tomorrow it's going to warm up and rain. My mini orchid is blooming again! The others might not bloom until spring. No signs of bloom spikes on those.

So why did I title this post "Patience"? I think because we need it right now because everything is so uncertain.

When all else fails to lift my mood, there are flowers!

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Finding My Way Into The New Year

 I have dealt with instability my whole adult life. My first hubby was often between jobs after a layoff or just being let go because there was no more work with a two-bit employer. He was in the trades, and could always find some side job just in time to buy food and pay the bills. With second hubby, there is a whole new dynamic. He grew up with a war, and with older brothers, and not a lot of self-confidence. Still, we have met all our bills 100% on time. He is a hard worker, he likes to work, prefers 10 or even 12 hour shifts, nights. Excessive paperwork is not his strong point, nor are a lot of technical details that are easy to mix up. 

Helgesen was perfect. He did it well, and the shift premium raised his pay to a very comfortable level. Standard Iron ruined that. We had hope with Nestle Purina, but he was not chosen to move forward, we suspect because he wears glasses, which for some mysterious reason, seems to be grounds for instant rejection. We think it's because glasses fog up in the cold, and they wanted to start him on the meat cutting line. They asked if he can see without glasses, he said yes, but not tiny details. 

For now, he has a job that he likes. If you ever wondered how they make plastic bags, they start out as a bubble. It's called blown film extrusion. Each machine needs two people to run it. There are specifications to set up, customer orders needing particular plastics, paperwork to be filled out, hoppers to be filled, measurements, how wide, how thick, things to check on all levels of a three story tall machine, etc. He is training on what the company calls the Legacy machine, which is another word for old and needing constant checking. By constant I mean every 10 minutes with complete setup every half hour (no time for lunch on a 12 hour shift). 

The bad news is that recently they told him when he finishes training he will be running the Legacy machine by himself. When he hired in they told him he will never be working alone, and they would move him over to one of the new machines. They failed to tell him that on the night shift, only one person runs the Legacy machine and all of them have quit. The only comfort is that because these machines are complicated, training takes quite awhile. One good thing is they will train him on forklift. Hubby is upset and feels they betrayed him by telling him one thing and then another. 

Blown Film Extrusion

So, we were hoping he was set in a job he liked but now there is just uncertainty. I told hubby, for now, just try to learn as much as he can, get the forklift training, and in January or February we will see what becomes of this job. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Random Stuff...from Yesterday and Today

 I was working on some projects yesterday but didn't get the pictures moved over to my PC until later today. I like to send them to myself with Facebook messenger but Facebook was having issues all day. I can only add pictures here from my PC. Anyway....

Yesterday I straightened out the bottom of the hall closet. That's sort of our utility area, a place for tools, tape, glue, drills, screwdrivers, etc. Over time a bunch of stuff got put into bags and the bags shoved into the closet.  What a mess!

So now you can see the bags are eliminated, all the tools in the bag (on the right...hard to see), all the glue and tape in the basket, and the miscellaneous items in some other boxes. 

The other project I worked on was experimenting with making my own plant labels. I have not had good success in the past. This time I tried a food container, I think it will work great. Time will tell if they fade. Another idea was to cut strips of a cookie container which had a layer of the label still on it. I clear coated the paper with nail polish (after writing on them). Time will tell if they hold up.

Food container 


This is from the clear cookie container with nail polish over the paper

Here is one of the clear plastic and nail polish tags

I didn't get a picture of the other tags and now my lights are off.

I am on the hunt for some battery operated LED candles that have that warm, orange glow and I don't know how to find them. I like the color more than the newer ones, which are more realistic but not as "warm".
The newer style

The older style, my favorite

And lastly, I wanted to share this lovely Haworthiopsis with you. I think the colors and the patterns are beautiful.
It might be a cross between Tulista Pumila and Haworthiopsis Limifolia Striata, but I'm guessing.

I'm determined to go to bed earlier, so that's it for tonight.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Honoring Dad and Feeding the Poor

A family member in Europe donated a goat to a poor family in Africa in honor of Dad who passed away. Prayers were said and people were fed. It was moving and I'm glad the ritual was videoed and shared with us.

Short post today. It's getting late and I have things to do before bed.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Feeling Better Today

 Today is a better day. Hubby and I are feeling better. His best friends from Helgesen sent him pictures to say hello. It would be great if they could all end up working together again.

There was a big bird sitting on one of the trees this morning. I couldn't tell what it was. When it flew I didn't think the wings were long enough to be an eagle. The wings were a bit short and wide. Later it was preening itself and I could see red tail feathers, so, Red Tailed Hawk! It was probably fluffed up against the cold, making it look bigger. Also, I'm used to seeing crows in those trees, so my judgement was off.

A bad picture of the bird preening

Sandhill Cranes

A flock of geese were flying over and around and around. The geese don't migrate anymore, they just hang around in the fields. Sometimes they seem unsettled, like some hint of migration is nagging at them. I'm sure they fly south if we get lots of snow, I'm guessing. I also saw and heard a large flock of Sandhill Cranes fly over. I love how they sound.

I got some lights up on the patio. Mostly just a rehash of what was up last year. My Feit Electric outdoor WiFi Smart Plug has disconnected from my Netgear WiFi Mesh Extender, so now I need to go outside and push a button on the smart plug instead of in the app on my phone. The lights are going to stay on all night because I'm not going out there in my jammies. Will try to connect tomorrow.

Oh, now I have it connected. I can only control it when my phone is connected to 2G. Since my phone is 5G and both my phone and router don't have a 2G setting, I decided to buy the Netgear, in which I created a 2G network to connect to. I know that plug has a way to set it to go off at a certain time, But I seem to have lost that setting. Once I have it set to go on and off when I want I don't need to keep my phone on 2G.

I thought these solar LED light bulbs would be cute but they aren't bright enough

Blue lights mess with my camera. Trust me the bulbs I bought are not bright enough.

Those bulbs.

That's all for tonight. I've been doing a little painting so I want to do some of that before I head to bed.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

When All Else Fails, The Sun Rises

 Sunrises don't pay the bills, and the bills are depressing, and the ability to pay them off just got ripped out from under us. But, deep breath. Here is this morning's sunrise. I took 20 pictures. Here are my favorites.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

We Have No Idea...Confused

 Hubby received a rejection email this morning. Checking his account, we could see he was rejected the day after his interview.


He sent a message to Mallory asking why, what happened.

Is it his glasses? 

They asked him if he wears glasses and if he can see without them. He said, yes, he can see without them, just not tiny print.

We really feel down today.

The internet is full of posts about getting rejected by Nestle Purina, and nobody knows why.

I really don't know what else to say. We thought this was a good opportunity. 

For now hubby has a job at ProAmpac. They do plastic blow molding and injection molding. That's another story, but he's not happy there.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Hubby Had A Good Interview

 We drove down to Jefferson today, in time for hubby's interview. He said it went real well and he should be hearing from HR in about a week. All the hiring is done from the Missouri headquarters but the in-person interviews are done at the local plants. Hubby is hesitant to be happy until he hears from HR but I think he's in. They told him he will be hearing from them in about a week. They didn't say "if". Of course he will pass the background check and drug test, no problem.

Afterward we stopped for coffee and then came home. Hubby worked all night and was super tired. We also got home before most of the bad weather, roads closed everywhere, lots of ice.

As soon as hubby receives and signs the digital agreement we will get some new tires on the truck. They aren't terrible but they are worn. 

I think Jefferson will be great place to move to, lots to do, and maybe I will find some friends. I had two friends here and they both moved away. One I don't hear from because she got dementia and she and her hubby moved into assisted living. They never gave me any contact information. Since then two more people have moved in and out, one was sort of friendly, the other, not. My friend with dementia gave me this. I think of her often. 

Thinking of you, Sandy

I found out that Jefferson is where the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival is every September!

I will post updates when I have more info.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

December is Starting Off in Limbo

 I hung up this grapevine star that I wrapped fairy lights around last year. I feel better already just looking at it.

Room lights off

Room light on

Tomorrow is an important day. The company in Jefferson called about a month ago and was happy with hubby's phone interview. He is scheduled for (three?) in person interviews tomorrow. The plant is expanding and the new part is set to begin operating January 20th. At this point we don't know if he will be hired on the spot or told to wait for an answer. He literally applied the end of October. The interview process with this company is rather long and involved. It's also union, which would be very different from what hubby is used to. The pay is very good. So we have to wait and see what happens.

If hubby gets the job in Jefferson he will need to drive about 40 miles each way until we can get moved. I have mixed feelings about moving, but no company in the area is paying as well as Helgesen did, except the company in Jefferson, which is paying more. Our lease isn't up until May 31st. We can pay to break it but we would be charged a full month's rent until someone accepts the sublet.

Moving is a big word. Our rent goes up every year but not as much as for people just moving in. We get a discount for being long-time residents who always pay on time. Once we leave this place (yes this place) I will never have this view again.

Maybe we will find another nice view, I don't know. I waited 40 years to have a beautiful view, but it doesn't matter when work sucks. I always imagined that if we moved it would be to the Driftless Area, like around Baraboo, or closer to Lake Michigan, like Sheboygan.

In any case, we like Jefferson.

I'll check in tomorrow with an update.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Sun With Teeth

 That's how hubby describes a bitterly cold sunny day. 

I am currently reworking stopping drafts on the windows. I found the bubble wrap idea, which seemed to work last year, was dripping wet. I think the issue was that last year I pushed removable window putty in the cracks first. That's very time consuming, so now I am trying a different approach. Every year WE Energies offers their customers a free energy saving package. This year my kit came with two rolls of door insulation. I used it on the windows, seems to be working. I have no idea how hard it will be to remove. 

Roll of insulation

You can see the condensation on the window

The front east window is done. There is still some condensation.

East window in spare bedroom is done. Excuse the box, I still have cleaning to do

South window is done. In winter the sun is so low it shines clear across the room onto the plants in the east window. I love that!

This wraps up November. I didn't do very well when it came to posting every day. I will post again when I have something to talk about. Hope you have a nice December! I'll be back soon.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Black Friday Was Just Friday

 We didn't plan on shopping, but we half-heartedly looked, just to get out and drive around. We bought a few groceries we needed. The wind was bitterly cold. My petunias are done. It's been in the teens at night.

Here is a picture of the bubble wrap insulation. I need to insulate more along the frame of the window. You can see the condensation, indicating a draft, which will just cause moisture that causes mold. Cheap windows.

We are not in much of a holiday mood, nor in the mood to watch politics, or any news for that matter. We are hoping and praying for good news regarding hubby's work. I'm not wanting to talk about it right now.

I am ever so thankful my daughter is better and her hubby is better. After loosing one daughter my brain goes haywire when someone is sick.

I got the message about the cell's the proposed stupid tariffs. We're good with our phones and TV. Computer will hold out for now.

I need to work on insulating my other two windows. A good project for tomorrow.

I watched "Attenborough's Life Journey", PBS NATURE Documentary. I'm glad hubby is taking a nap because I sat there and cried because I was thinking, "He's 98 years old and it would be like loosing a grandpa." Although he hasn't stopped filming yet.

That's about it for today. Hubby wants to watch TV for while when he wakes up.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving!

 Also Happy Albania Independence Day! November 28 commemorates when Albania raised the Albanian flag in 1912 declaring independence from the Ottoman Empire. 

We aren't doing anything. Hubby worked last night so he is asleep for now. Later I will put a chicken in the oven. It's just the two of us and we aren't fond of turkey. I don't have anything major to write about so, just a list of odds and ends.

It's cloudy again today. My petunias are still green but no longer blooming. It's been in the 20's but will be in the teens at night for the foreseeable future. I think I will pull them. Poor things. They really hung in there!

Thank you to my friend for the compliment on my string of hearts. I have killed it in the past. I discovered why. This plant develops large potato-like tubers that hold a good amount of water. If the potting mix doesn't dry out quickly enough the tubers will rot overnight. My solution was to pot them in a shallow pot that was actually a plastic bowl that I made a bazzillion holes in. It fits as an insert into this beautiful ceramic bowl my daughter gave me.

This was some sort of food bowl that came with a frozen dinner hubby bought once.

Fred Ives, I'm done with you! (I still have the main "head") I'm ditching this and planting something else in this pot. Fred insists on growing HUGE and pale from not enough light.

Burrow's tail needs repotting and water! You can see Fred Ive's "head" in the background.

Miscellaneous Adromischus pot, the long-leaved one in the back is going to bloom. It's fussy. It will drop its leaves if it gets too dry and also if it stays damp too long.

Next I'm working on windows. These are double-pane windows with the worst frames ever. I need to line the lower 4 or 5 inches with bubble wrap to keep them from freezing. You can see how the moisture builds up and black mildew forms on the frames. Ugh. Every winter.

East window

South window has some bubble wrap but not enough. I will move the plants back a bit and add more bubble wrap.

Results tomorrow.

Note----I couldn't find anything about cell phones. We got new phones in January because our old phones were 4G only. Apparently 4G will still be supported but 5G rolled out and is faster. If you need a new phone, buy one that is 5G so it can use the faster networks. 

Have a great day!