Sunday, September 18, 2016

Succulent Rock Garden

I really, really want one. Succulents....planted in the ground, with rocks around them. A few flower pots on a porch. I want that, too. And if I can see the sunrise and sunset without a bazillion darn electrical wires, that would be enough for me. Hartford is in zone 5a. Here is a detailed zone map of part of the upper Midwest.

So...succulents in the ground, in the Midwest? Yes! You just need to choose the correct ones.

Not my picture. These are Sempervivums, hardy to -20 F
Webpage for picture can be seen here: Simply Succulents
I have not ordered from this website, but you get the idea of the colors available! I see they are in zone 3 in northwest Wisconsin, so I will definitely be looking at their website some more.

More borrowed pictures. These are Sedums, also zone 5 hardy, and some colder, all the way to zone 3. Assorted ground cover Sedums in a riot of colors (also called stonecrop)
The taller type that blooms in the fall
The pictures are from Mountain Crest Gardens. I have not ordered from them.

There are other types of cold-hardy succulents. You can do a Google search or visit the websites above for more pictures and info.

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