Monday, February 18, 2019

Energy One Day, Dead Battery The Next

That's how I feel. One day I'm on a roll. Happy, energetic, got a lot done. Next day I have no motivation. Too cold to open windows. No energy. Pushing myself to do anything.

Slowly I am making progress on cleaning the spare bedroom. I just need to finish the closet and organize my crafts. Oh, and finish the photo album for my daughter. It's so hard not to get depressed. Literally everyone in the photos are dead except me and my older daughter. My more recent photos are digital. If I can just get through the sad pictures I can move on to the living.

Sometimes I wish we lived closer to my daughter, but...Indiana. HUMID hot summers, smoggy air, and no branch of hubby's company there to transfer to.

I don't know if I mentioned my hubby's parents are coming for a two month visit, thus the reason I am doing so much cleaning and organizing. Before they come I need to move all my plants into the small room where I have a few plants in the east window. Not thrilled, but there is no other way.

I have no idea what to expect with this visit. My hubby's mom is fond of me but who knows how 2 months together here will pan out. Neither of hubby's parents speak English and they do things the old way. Hubby is flying there in April, staying 10 days and then he and his parents are flying here together. It will be their first time flying. Airports are huge. I'm happy he is going to help them.

At least I don't need to make pita (Albanian spinach feta pie) from scratch. We buy a good similar one frozen from a store in Milwaukee.

Other than that, if we stock up on Bulgarian cheese, tomatoes, pickled peppers and other "salads" in jars, Albanian sausage (suxhuk) (pronounced soojuk) eggs and bread then I think I've got it covered. We plan to take them out to eat and sightseeing.

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