Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Tomorrow I get a battery of blood tests. One has to be taken between 8 AM and 10:30 AM, so hubby will get a ride to work and leave me the car. It's an ACT or ACTH test to check my Adrenocorticotropic Hormone. I'm also getting a CBC & Auto Differential, Lactate Dehydrogrenase Total, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Reflex, and Uninalysis. So...checking hormones, thyroid, checking for lymphoma and leukemia, mainly because my dad died of lymphoma and leukemia is a possible side effect of chemo that could show up in 20 years post treatment. Pending later are ultra sounds of heart and abdomen and maybe a stress test.

Thank God for good medical care and awesome insurance.

It's a beautiful sunny day, so me and hubby are going out for a bit. Later I will cook tacos and invite daughter over.

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